Banner with Play Lean and Grow on it

Active Parental Involvement

Elsecar Community Nursery is committed to promoting active parental involvement. Our parents/carers are invited to contribute their ideas and make complimentary contributions to the everyday running of the nursery. Please contact us to arrange a visit.

Sessions and Times

Morning 8:45am - 11:45am
Afternoon 12:45pm - 3:45pm
Full Day 8:30am - 4:00pm

We offer both fee paying and 15 hours free funded childcare for children aged two who are eligible for Two Year Funded sessions (TYE) and free funded childcare for children aged three and four who are entitled to either 15 or 30 hours Early Education Funded sessions (EEF).

15 hours free funded childcare can be booked across 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions or 2 full days. 30 hours free funded childcare can be booked across 4 full days.

Healthy Lifestyles

To help us to get to know your child could you please download our 'All About Me' form from the Parents Download links or collect one from the nursery and return it to the nursery.

We provide a healthy snack with a voluntary 50p per week donation towards this. Parents/carers of children who are staying across lunchtime need to provide them with a healthy packed lunch.

Nappies, Wipes and Spare Clothes

Parents are asked to supply nappies, wipes, creams and spare clothes. Items for your child are stored with your child's name on and used only for them. Please ensure that the nursery has sufficient supplies at all times. We ask that you provide spare change of clothes for your child just in case they need to change.

Banner with words Play Learn Grow